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Anonymization command

Considering your anonymization has been configured, you can now anonymize a backup file by running:

console db-tools:anonymize path/to/your/backup/to/anonymized

This command will successively:

  1. Backup your local database,
  2. Restore the given backup file,
  3. Anonymize the data from the given backup file,
  4. Backup the newly anonymized database, by overwritting the given backup file,
  5. Restore your database to its original state from the backup produced at step 1.


The db-tools:anonymize command alone is not enough to ensure you follow GDPR best practices. It depends on:

  • How you correctly configured your anonymization (obviously),
  • Where you run this command: anonymizing a backup file means it contains sensitive data, hence, following GDPR recommendations, this backup file should never transit on an unsecured environment.

Learn more about a proper workflow in the dedicated section.


You can specify the behavior of the db-tools:anonymizecommand with some options detailed below.

Anonymizing local database

The main purpose of this command is to provide a way to anonymize a backup file. But it could also be used to anonymize local database with --local-database.

console db-tools:anonymize --local-database

Do not restore initial state after anonymization

You can choose to not restore initial database with the --no-restore option. With this option, steps 1 and 5 will be skipped during execution.

console db-tools:anonymize --no-restore

Only anonymize specific targets

Use this option if you want to anonymize only some specific targets during the process.

console db-tools:anonymize --target target_1 --taget target_2
# or
console db-tools:anonymize -t target_1 -t target_2


To know all your available targets, launch db-tools:anonymization:dump-config

Exclude targets from anonymization

Use this option if you want to exclude some specific targets from anonymization.

console db-tools:anonymize --exclude target_1 --exclude target_2
# or
console db-tools:anonymize -x target_1 -x target_2


To know all your available targets, launch db-tools:anonymization:dump-config

Split update queries

By default, the anonymization process use one update query per table. For debug purpose, it could be usefull to run not only one update query per table but one update query per target. To do so, use the --split-per-column option.


Learn more about how the anonymization process builds these update queries reading the Internals section.

Released under the MIT License.